
Date Entry File Actions

Finish sorting SF ANPP - Andie, Slater, Brian, Trajana, Mae, Stacey


Finish G1 corn ANPP sampling - Slater, Andie, Brian, Trajana, Mae


Sort SF ANPP - Alyssa, Slater, Brian, Trajana, Mae, Olivia, Andie, Stacey


Finish G3 soybean ANPP sampling, start G1 corn sampling (Used 1.52 m x 0.66 m frame All stations: 3mN, 1.5mE to SW corner of 1.52x0.66m frame) -

LTER Hydrosense for Series 12 - Andie


G6 species composition transects. Three NS transects per plot, main only. Each transect ~2m west of the station flags and numbered 1-3 based on the station number. Stop about every 1m to identify and measure first intercepted plant. -

G3 soybean ANPP (should have been sampled earlier, plants are past peak). Used 1.52 m x 0.66 m frame. All stations: 3mN, 1.5mE to SW corner of 1.52x0.66m frame. Finished R1-3. - Slater, Brian, Trajana, Mae


Finish sorting T6 plants - Alyssa, Olivia


LTER Series 12 gas sampling. Prairie strip sampling had to be done in the afternoon because only four trained techs were present to sample. No personnel available to take Hydrosense readings. Since no rain in forecast, Hydrosense data will be collected on 10/11/2024 by Andie. - Alyssa trained Trajana and Mae, Slater, Andie, Brian


LTER gas chamber prep - Slater, Mae, Trajana, Brian

Finish T4 soybean sampling - Alyssa, Emily, Brian, Mae, Trajana

Collect soybean stover from the irrigated blocks 5-8 of the LTER Resource Gradient following harvest. Same procedure as 10/4/2024 rainfed. - Stacey


LTER gas vial, tote prep - Slater, Emily


Sort T6 ANPP plants -


BCSE Series 16 gas sampling - Andie (Hydrosense too), Slater

Sample LTER T4 soybeans ahead of harvest, used 1.52 x 0.66 m frame, All stations: 3.04m N and 1.52m W from each station flag to SE corner of frame. Cut with pruners and counted the number of soybean plants per row and recorded on bag(s) of soybean. Separate weeds to species. -


Scale-up plant species composition transects -

Collect leaf litter from traps in T5, G8, CF, DF, and SF -

Prep BCSE gas chambers -

Reclip T6R3S2,3 ANPP samples (4mN, 4mE) since the original samples were accidentally mixed together during sorting -

Collect soybean stover from the ground following harvest in rainfed blocks 1-4 of the LTER Resource Gradient. Yield strips had been harvested from the plots but the rest of the plants remained. Soybean stover was collected from the ground to fill a 5# bag about 1/3 full, avoiding the northern and southern most 2m, as well as the previously sheltered area in F5. Careful to avoid any other plant fragments lying on the ground. All samples were put into the oven to dry. - Stacey


Prep BCSE gas vials - Stacey

Sort T6 ANPP -


Finish clipping SF ANPP and ASP5 R1,2 soybeans - Alyssa, Emily, Olivia, Brian, Trajana, Mae

Start Scale-up plant species composition transects -


Sort T6 ANPP -


Dishes - Emily, Mae, Trajana

Filter LTAR extracts - Trajana, Mae


Finished BCSE G4,5,7,9,10 ANPP sampling! - Slater, Emily, Brian, Andie, Mae, Trajana, Alyssa

Start sampling SF ANPP, 2mN, 2mE of each station flag to SW corner of 2 x 0.5m frame - Alyssa, Slater, Andie, Brian, Emily


Finish onboarding, site-specific training - Trajana, Mae (including WPS)

Weigh LTAR soil for moisture and extraction - Alyssa, Mae, Trajana


T3 soybean sampling (same as T1, 2) - Slater, Emily, Brian, Olivia, Mae, Trajana

BCSE G4,5,7,9,10 ANPP sampling - Slater, Emily, Brian, Olivia, Mae, Trajana, Alyssa


Sieve LTAR soil - Andie, Alyssa, Trajana, Mae, Slater, Brian


Replace LTAR station flags ahead of soil sampling - Stacey

LTAR 23 gas sampling - Andie (+Hydrosense), Slater, Brian

LTAR soil sampling, too dry for push coring, 1 bucket auger sample to 25cm depth at each station, when row crop present… one core in the row, one halfway between rows, and one a quarter of the way between rows - Alyssa, Trajana, Mae, Slater, Brian


LTER ASM - all


LTAR tower 1: Hygrovue10 now connected to C1. All instruments now reading though 107s and CS650s not in ground. Will check to see if we can bury the CS107s and CS650s. At least the 650s….


LTAR gas chamber prep -

ASP5 R3,4 (R1,2 were not quite ready) soybean sampling, All stations: 0.5mN, 0.5mWto SE corner of 2 x 0.5m frame, oriented with the 0.5m ends on the east and west -

BCSE G4,5,7,9,10 ANPP sampling -


Chamber 5-3 lid was not attached. Repaired at approx 3:30PM KK