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Moved sensors on T7_R2 REX to the switched power SW1 and increased the cycle time to 10 minutes in order to try to reduce the battery drain as we go into the winter.


Replaced the battery of the T7R4 logger on monday. The battery went down below 9V again overnight. I disconnected the SDI12 sensor power to see if there might be a short in one of the sensor cables.


Yesterday I forgot to reconnect the C3 wire on T7R5. It’s connected now


The T7R5 Rex logger returned NaNs for all sensors. 12V port to ground was at 0.2V. I found one sensor that was shorted to ground I removed the power from that sensors. Two more sensors on the left side of the power block dropped the voltage to 11.something so there are probably 2 more marginal sensors


Sensor check: KK T7r1 a and 3 dead, T7r2 working, T7r3 7 dead, T7r4 working, T7r5 8,0,c dead, T7r6 6,7,8,2 dead. T2r1 5 dead, T2r3 working, T2r4 working, T2r6 working. Ten total sensors failed during the year, more than half in the OTC footprints.


Working on REX sensors, over 20 not recording. T2R1, repaired sensor 2 and 5. T7R1 removed sensor 3 and a, not working. All others for each treatment should now be responding.


Added appropriate metal barrier system to REX T2 drought footprints w/ Dave. Minimum two sides


Installed soil moisture sensors in T2 REX plots. T2R1 number “0” sensor QR code was too faded for reading. This sensor in T2R1 drought corn, subplot s. Installed two sensors in most plots as available. Additionally several ambient sensors. Installed RH air temp in T2R3.


Removed three T2R1 and three T2R6 sensors that were logging moisture over the winter. In T2R1, we installed one TOMST sensor next to sensor three and one next to six. 6=TMS95147382 and 3-TMS 95147381. Removed between 12:30-1:00PM

Senor 3,4, and 6 in T2R1 and sensor 1,2, and 7 in T2R6. sensor 1 was cut.


REX - Dave and I finished installing soil moisture sensors in T7s. Most sheltered or OTC footprints have at least two sensors, some four, and a few footprints that we can use for ambient soil moisture.

We will install posts for raising the cables later.


Added sensors to T7 OTC and Drought OTC footprints. Found T7R3 5 and 6 cut, replaced same day. Need to find sensors long enough for Drought corn T7R4.


For soil moisture sensors on T7s, we also found several cut cables. T7R1 sensor 7, T7R3 sensors c and d, no sensor 6 installed, T7R4 sensor h and l, Several installed sensors were found to be stepped on. These include T7R1 sensor 0 and b, T7R2 sensor 3 and c, T7R4 sensor 0 and d.


Kevin and Dave removed soil moisture sensors from T1R1 and T1R3. Sensors from T1R1 that were cut include a,b, and d. T1R3 sensor 0 was cut. We used some of these sensors to replace destroyed sensors on T2R4 and T2R3. T2R4 sesors cut include 5-0,c.f.g. We replaced sensors 5-8 with appropriately addressed sensors. On T2R3, 8-0 and b-d were destroyed. We replaced 9,0, and c.


Removed all T7 REX sensors prior to T7burn. Found the following sensors cut: T7R1 sensor 7, T7R3 sensors c,,d (and no sensor 6 found), T7R4 h and l. Removed all barriers and marked positions on 2/2024 map (in Kevin’s notes).


T1R1 a-d, T2R3 9,d,0,?, T2R4 7,8,9,0,c,f?, T1R4 5,6? All sensor cables in this list were cut into many pieces. Sometime between installing winter probes and yesterday. Sensors were dragged into adjoining plots and alleyways. ? means there maybe more sensors that were not found. Also, several T7 sensors are not reading. T7R3 (0,9,a-d), T7R4 (d,l), T7R5 (8,9,a,b,d), and T7R6 (1,5,6).


The T2R6 logger’s pakbus id was reset to 1 and the program was not running. I updated the OS on the CR800 to version 32.06 and set it up with the correct program and pakbus id. The datalogger is now logging and connecting.


The T7R4 problem seems to have been a loose ground. I had measured 0 V with C1 connected and 12 V across the datalogger power pins with C1 disconnected, however, the logger still appeared flakey. I think I did not measure correctly. After I disconnected the ground from the sensor array and reconnected it the logger appeared to work again.

Currently, C1 is connected.

I reset the watchdog and Undervoltage error count on T7R4.


I replaced the battery on REX T7’R4 logger. C1 was disconnected. I am not sure why, but I reconnected it.


Installed three sensor per two plots in T1 and T2, two plots each. T2R1 and 6. T1R1 and 3. KK and DW. Saved to survey 1,2,3.


Removed T1R2 and T2R4 crosspattern soil moisture sensors w/ Dave.


Dave, Ethan, and Jarrod removed remaining T1 and T2 REX soil moisture sensors except for the crosspatterns in T1R2 and T2R4.


Dave and I removed soil moisture sensors from T1R3 and T2R1 this afternoon. Used Survey123 to denote sensor removed and from where. T1R3 sensor 0 had a cut cable about 18” from the sensor and rods looked like the sensor was stepped on. Review moisture data for this sensor.


Removed all REX shelters for drone flight. 10:30-11:30AM. Replaced from 1:30-2:30PM Worked with Dave, Joe, Jarrod.


T2R1 VR sensor 5 has the insulation cut. It responds to I commands but returns NaN’s in response to measurement commands.

Connected sensor 0 on T1R2 to sdi12 bus 4. It does not respond to queries…


Checked missing REX sensors.

  • added screws on T2R1, and sensor 0 was responding; sensor c did not
  • removed sensor cable for sensor 0 from T1R2. When I added sensor 0, the whole bank of sensors on C3 was not responding. When I removed the sensor, they did respond. I did not trace the wire for sensor 0 into the field but just left it disconnected.