
Date Entry File Actions

Removed three T2R1 and three T2R6 sensors that were logging moisture over the winter. In T2R1, we installed one TOMST sensor next to sensor three and one next to six. 6=TMS95147382 and 3-TMS 95147381. Removed between 12:30-1:00PM

Senor 3,4, and 6 in T2R1 and sensor 1,2, and 7 in T2R6. sensor 1 was cut.


LTAR, BCSE gas chamber prep - Helen


Collect LTER leachate - Helen, Alex


Evacuate LTER lysimeters; reinstall T6 station flags (switchgrass harvested 4/10/2024 and 4/15/2024); mark forest paths and trim back vines - Alyssa, Helen


LTAR Series 4 gas sampling; ASP2 chambers were installed on the morning of sampling - Alyssa, Helen, Alex

Hydrosense LTAR moisture - Helen


LTER Series 1 gas sampling. No soil moisture tins… moisture from Hydrosense (Kevin) - Stacey, Alyssa, Helen, Alex, Dave (trained by Kevin)


LTER and LTAR gas chamber prep - Helen


Finished 1st April LTER soil sampling - Alyssa, Helen


LTER 1st April soil sampling (finished MCSE R1-5 and T4R6) - Helen, Alyssa


BCSE Series 1 gas sampling; Hydrosense moisture (Helen) - Helen, Alex


LTAR Series 3 gas sampling; Hydrosense moisture (Helen) - Alyssa, Helen, Alex


LTAR and BCSE gas chamber prep - Helen


Collect LTER leachate - Helen, Alex


Evacuate LTER lysimeters - Helen, Alyssa


LTAR Series 2 gas sampling; Hydrosense for moisture (Dave, Kevin) - Alyssa, Helen, Alex

Collect trash (mostly old research materials) from LTER forest plots - Alyssa, Helen


LTAR gas chamber prep - Helen


First 2024 monthly LTAR soil sampling, two 0-25cm cores per station, sampled SE of each station, one in the crop row and one between where applicable - Helen, Alyssa


KK, DW, JD, BW, installed the base tower pieces on ASP3F1. EC tower is 91’west of prairie strip edge. Excavated a 3.5 x 3.5’ x 5’ section of soil, added 6” of pea gravel, 6-8” of sand, with the tower section in place and level in all planes x.y.z. Added the 16” diameter sonotube over the top (2’ ht) of the sand and a few inches into the sand for better drainage. Again checked level and added 6’ of concrete outside the sonotube, and two ft inside. Leaving 18” of soil from surface to concrete. Again checked level. Added a 4’ square 1/4” plywood board with the appropriate dimension triangle cut out in the center over the surface with the tower through the cutout. Again tested level and pinned the plywood to the ground to keep the tower base level while curing. Did the same process for the solar panel tower. Used ten bags of cement and a 16” sonotube for sensor tower and 17 bags and a 30” dia (2’ tall) sonotube.


LTAR Series 1 gas sampling; sampling order was changed after Series 1, so Series 2 onward are in a different order than Series 1; no soil moisture tins… volumetric water content measured with Hydrosense (Kevin, Dave) - Helen, Alyssa, Alex


We are using the Hydrosense 2 VWC for soil moisture during chamber measurements. We set up a zone for each chamber when the first measurement there is taken. 1 chamber = 1 zone. Measure using SN 3010. Go to chamber, insert probe approx 1 m away, read, store, yes to new zone. We (meaning Sven) will construct an uploader to merge the zone with a plot name. Phil agrees once it is too dry we state “drier than xxx”.

Setup a treatment vs zone file in LTAR data entry. Downloaded the first series of VWC vs Gas Series 1.


LTAR gas chamber installation (first time, Trimble file created by Hsunyi), one per plot plus ASP4 no compost microplot - Alyssa, Helen


Added sensors to T7 OTC and Drought OTC footprints. Found T7R3 5 and 6 cut, replaced same day. Need to find sensors long enough for Drought corn T7R4.


Collect LTER leachate -


Evacuate LTER lysimeters -


For soil moisture sensors on T7s, we also found several cut cables. T7R1 sensor 7, T7R3 sensors c and d, no sensor 6 installed, T7R4 sensor h and l, Several installed sensors were found to be stepped on. These include T7R1 sensor 0 and b, T7R2 sensor 3 and c, T7R4 sensor 0 and d.